Offham Primary School


Offham is a unique, nurturing and aspirational school that has high expectations for all children and a caring ethos. We pride ourselves on our close partnership with parents and our local community. Our vision is based on ‘nurturing’, ‘enquiring’, ‘inspiring ‘and achieving’ and children are placed at the heart of everything we do. We have a highly passionate and dedicated staff team, who all work together to provide the best learning experiences for the children. 

We are located in a beautiful rural setting and take pride in being a traditional village school, whilst providing modern technology and an environment that allows pupils and staff to excel. Offham is steeped in rich history where it was first open to children in the 1870s. Over the years it has been developed to be a modern environment yet still retains links with its unique heritage and local community. You will see that the logo is the Quintain which can be seen in the central village of Offham. It is the only medieval Quintain still in England. (A Quintain was used as a tilting post during jousting practice.)

We fully prepare children for the future in the twenty first century and provide a high quality education with a broad curriculum. We are particularly proud of the emotional support that is offered enabling children to be confident, successful and happy. 

We look forward to welcoming you.  

Alice Early 

Acting Headteacher 


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